Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reaping from grounds you haven't sewn on.

I visited a restaurant (Ruby's Sweets) about a month ago. It was an African American lady that opened up in Circle Center Mall of downtown Indianapolis. I kind of stumbled up on this place looking for a restroom. I was hungry, so I decided to also eat there. I spoke with the owner and noticed that she did a gospel brunch on Saturdays. My light in my head went on and I wanted to do what I could to help grow her business.

I know people locally in the music industry and thought, "I can do booking of gospel artist to come in and perform at her brunches". I gave her my business card with my intents and went on my way.

A month later, I was at home with my "thinking cap" on wondering what's my next move. Want to really start my youth development program but need a location. Want to do a lot of events but, need a location.

...........Ring, a phone call from a number I don't recognize. It was her. After talking for hours, she wanted to do something for my non profit. She offered her location for the classes and a meal for each young lady (a 12 week course). She also offered to allow me to use the location for other events.

I was so overwhelmed because here I thought that I would help her grow her business and God had a blessing for me.

Lesson to the wise, when you get an unction to do something for someone, no matter how crazy it seems at the time. Do it. Don't listen to the voice of man which is very skeptical. Listen to your heart. A lot of times you doing something for someone else is God opening up the door for your blessing. For that person to give to you.

Sometimes it's God allowing you to reap from grounds you have not yet sewn on. Your blessings doesn't always come from people you have blessed. Many times they come from unsuspected sources. Keep sewing when God says to sew and don't worry when, where, how and why you will be blessed. Just know that Gods word is true and what He said will be. Just sew and allow God to send the harvest.

Schawayna Raieism

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