Monday, August 1, 2011

Gossiping about me? 

I know someone of which I will always say, they are always talking about someone. So much so that I would try to keep my distance from them. They would always know the latest juice/info and would talk forever with their friend about different people within their church.

Their friend would relentlessly keep them updated on close friends and families situations as well as church members as they receive it.

This particular person is now going through some trials within their lives and "the shoe is on the other foot"! They are now being gossiped about and you couldn't pay either one of them enough to tell the story.

Everywhere this person goes, they are constantly grieved with the question of "do they know?", "are they whispering about me?", "are they laughing at me?", "why are they staring at me"?

It doesn't feel good to have the towns gossipers gossiping about you. Why dish it out when you can't stand it either. There's an old saying that goes like this "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!" You can't pick and choose what's going to leak out like you CAN choose what you will leak. If you can't stand being gossiped about, get out of the business of gossiping. As the old saying goes which derived from the scripture speaking on reaping what you sew; "what goes around, comes around".

Don't put out what you are not willing to take back. I know in life, we must communicate. Sometimes in our everyday communication, we speak about things we shouldn't have. That's why the bible says delight thyself in the all thy ways acknowledge Him. If we spent time acknowledging and delighting ourselves in God and getting to know Him more, we wouldn't have time for gossiping corners. And if you do, be prepared for your day in the gossip circle. I'm sure your backlash won't be so pleasant.

Spend time getting to know yourself and Jesus more. You'll be so busy working on you that you would not have time to strategize in changing other people's lives.

Schawayna Raieism

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