Thursday, July 21, 2011

When to let go

I have held on to toxic relationships many times before. Friendships that should have ended years ago are still toxic years later. I've done this in the past because I was too afraid to let go from fear of being talked about or consensus of communications about me. This is something that I still struggle with today.

I hold onto people vaguely just to not appear petty or to not seem mean. I want to be viewed as an upright Christian. But I'm learning that you can still be saved and end relationships. God doesn't want people to walk over us or treat us unbecoming to show His love. I'm allowing myself to sever toxic relationships. If you don't like me because I'm moving forward and my moving forward doesn't include you; sorry, can't please you. I have to allow God to remove people in order to add the people needed in my life today. The ones to take me to that next level in Him. I'm sorry but I'm cleaning house. If you're on that bus to "Out Of My Lifeville" then God bless you on your journey there. I pray that you meet who you need to find in order for you to grow on your way.

Loving you from a distance,

Schawayna Raieism

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