Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Let God Take You to Where You Should Minister

I had the opportunity to fellowship with a young lady a couple of Sundays ago. Now, I wasn't intending on meeting her nor was I trying to. My intents after I left church was to go to the mall, get a bite to eat (to go) and head to the movies with a friend. My friend ended up having to change my plans (well God changed my plans via my friend).

I decided to go to dinner with this young lady. She happened to tell me some things about herself and as she did, we knew a mutual person. Actually, we knew several mutual people. I began to share some of my life's experiences with her and then God spoke to me to pray for her.

Our evening ended up lasting several hours and as I ministered to her through testimony, I believe her healing was beginning. I pray complete deliverance for her and anyone else challenged with experiences that weigh them down.

My idea was to do something else and God had another plan. Have you allowed God to change your plans today? Have you let God lead you in ministry? How has God changed your plans to minister not only to yourself but to someone else?


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