Friday, July 20, 2012

The State of the Church

I have been heavily affiliated with the church for all of my life with a short time being removed due to my decision to walk away from God's will for my life. I have seen many things and done many things. Although we as Christians are not perfect, we do hold a certain level of responsibility when it comes to accepting the calling of God.

I know I have wronged some people in my past, I have displayed an attitude at times that is not becoming of a person trying to seek Gods' heart. I have made some terrible decisions and some bad mistakes. The one thing that plays a role in all of those things is my desire to change and please God. I try not to make the same mistake twice. I try not to practice sin. I allow myself to have and experience conviction when I do wrong.

It's not easy looking in a mirror of a face you are not pleased with. It's not easy living multiple lies in front of people. It's not easy to disappoint yourself and others on a consistent basis. If you have no respect for yourself, you can not even attempt to have respect for God.

I challenge you today to think outside of your own needs and think of the needs of others. The church is supposed to be an image of which others attain to achieve not an image emulating others. We need to get out of the idea of getting rich; which in turns cloud our judgement. I'm not saying that you as a Christian can't be rich, however God could care less about you having fame, glory and monetary tangibles. If you attain them; WONDERFUL! Your existence in life should be more centered on being a blessing to others, as that will create blessings for you.

I choose not to use scripture in my blogs often because I feel like there is too many Christians quoting scripture but living totally opposite of what they speak. Having a knowledge of and doing different is worse than not knowing at all!

We have spiritual clicks and disagreements about things that has absolutely nothing to do with the spiritual things of God. God is so big that we can not even imagine the things He is capable of doing. I remember a scripture that says "even the weakest of God is greater than the strongest of us" (paraphrasing of course). God can do greater things on His bad days than we can do on our good ones.

We become what the world considers great (movie stars, performers, CEO's, doctor's, lawyers, etc.) and forget from where the elevation in life has derived. God doesn't mind us being great in life, He doesn't even mind us having wonderful things. He just wants us to 1. appreciate all that He is (savior, Lord), 2. what He has done for us, 3. give to others as He has given to us.

How Many Ways by Schawayna Raie

How many ways can we show God that we love Him? How many ways can we give to those in worst situations than ours? How many ways can we give Him all of ourselves? How many ways can we praise Him for all He has done? How can we continue to live in this state of defiance? How can we get back to our first love (God)?

Schawayna Raieism
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