Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Too Hot in Indy?

As I read some of the post on FaceBook, I notice how so many people complained about the heat. Those same people are probably the ones complaining about the cold. We as human beings are never satisfied. That's why we keep chasing things that will make us happy.

We work hard to buy bigger homes, luxurious cars, designer clothes and bags, expensive jewelry. Why? We are not satisfied with what God has given us. Sunday, my pastor Kim Outlaw at Living Water Fellowship Church preached about how we are so caught up with the things in our lives that we miss out on doing the things that pleases God.

We work extra hours, keeping us from being attentive to our children which in turn helps to lead them astray. We focus more on relationships outside of our homes (family) which keeps us from being connected causing the family structure to be torn down. We focus more on our needs that we totally miss out on God's unction for us to meet someone else's needs; keeping us from attaining the blessings that He has for us.

It may be too hot outside and in the winter, it may be too cold at times but all of our seasons are greatly needed in order for things to continue to grow. Without the sun and water, our oxygen suppliers can't grow. Without the cold/winter, our germs can't die. God had a plan and purpose when He was creating this great Earth that He gave us to take care of.

Let's be thankful and satisfied that He is in control and has our best interest in mind. Let's stop focusing on what we don't have and start being joyful for what we do!

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