Wednesday, July 27, 2011

He that findeth a wife...NOT a woman!

So many people take this scripture as a man finding a woman so that a woman shouldn't look for a man. I take this interpretation of it. The bible speaks of silly women and virtuous women. I believe when God inspired this scripture, He was talking about how blessed a man would be to find a wife.

wife•ly (wīf′lē)
Of or befitting a wife.
wife′li•ness n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary

A wife is a virtuous woman. A woman given unto one man. A respectable person, motherly, nurturing, caring. A wife is beautiful in spirit, giving of herself; not always wanting to be in the crowd/scene. Not given into all of the parties. Someone who is able to converse on many subjects and also allow her husband to be the man.

Proverbs 12:4
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bone.
Proverbs 31:10-31

   10Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

   11The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

   12She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

   13She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

   14She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.

   15She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

   16She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

   17She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.

   18She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

   19She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

   20She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.

   21She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

   22She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

   23Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

   24She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.

   25Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

   26She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

   27She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

   28Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

   29Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

   30Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

   31Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

We as women have gotten out of the idea of what a virtuous woman is. We are so hooked on being independently free that we miss out on the beautiful wholesome qualities that God has created in us. Let's work on being a wife (wife material) so that our king can find us. He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing, not he who findeth a woman. Those are two separate entities. Yes, being a wife means that you are a woman but being a woman does not make you a wife.

Love you bunches!

Schawayna Raiesm

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Being a blessing when you can't see the blessing!?

I know at times we go through our daily routines thinking about ourselves and what we need to get to that next place in our lives. We are so focused that we can't channel in on the needs or wants of others. I'm always so concerned about what this person needs and what that person needs that I sometimes miss out on what I need.

I've not always been the one to put someone else before myself but I believe God has created me to be a help to those in need and I am finally accepting my calling. I have always found the person who was distressed, torn down and unappreciated to try to give them a voice. I have at times been too passionate about giving that voice that I have been said to be a trouble maker.

It pains me to see people misused, abused, manipulated, torn down and unappreciated. It pains me to see someone trying so hard to be the best that they can be, all awhile someone's tearing them down because they don't move fast enough, think smart enough, speak intellectually enough, have enough, or just think enough of themselves. I appreciate being the one to make them feel better about themselves, to believe in themselves, to grow and blossom into being great people of God just because they knew me.

It's not easy to give of yourself. Sometimes it is a great sacrifice. Sometimes it's putting your dreams on hold, giving out the abundance of your heart an amount that may put your bills on hold, keeping you from taking that next vacation, keeping you from getting that extra hour of sleep, keeping you from hanging out with your friends.

I always say that time is something everyone can afford to give. It doesn't require a salary, it just requires a heart and the will to do. You can be a blessing by making it to someone's special event even if you can only stay for a second, posting someone's special event on your Facebook wall; it's just an extra click, telling someone outside your circle that you love them and truly say a prayer for them in silent or aloud, giving someone outside your circle a hug; someone's day just might be waiting for you to open your arms up to them. You can be a blessing by just being open for whatever someone may need from you. The greatly blessed people in the world are the ones who aren't afraid to give of themselves to others.

We can sometimes be a blessing even when we don't see how much of a blessing we are. Just listening to God and taking lead from Him can cause you to stumble up and be a blessing to someone.


Schawayna Raieism

Thursday, July 21, 2011

When to let go

I have held on to toxic relationships many times before. Friendships that should have ended years ago are still toxic years later. I've done this in the past because I was too afraid to let go from fear of being talked about or consensus of communications about me. This is something that I still struggle with today.

I hold onto people vaguely just to not appear petty or to not seem mean. I want to be viewed as an upright Christian. But I'm learning that you can still be saved and end relationships. God doesn't want people to walk over us or treat us unbecoming to show His love. I'm allowing myself to sever toxic relationships. If you don't like me because I'm moving forward and my moving forward doesn't include you; sorry, can't please you. I have to allow God to remove people in order to add the people needed in my life today. The ones to take me to that next level in Him. I'm sorry but I'm cleaning house. If you're on that bus to "Out Of My Lifeville" then God bless you on your journey there. I pray that you meet who you need to find in order for you to grow on your way.

Loving you from a distance,

Schawayna Raieism

Afraid to be alone so much that you settle

I never understood how someone could go from one relationship to the next, never giving themselves time to find out about themselves. We call those people chronic daters. They are always dating someone. Two weeks, two months, three days, five months... Doesn't matter how long the relationship as long as you're in one.

Do you ever take time out after a relationship to get to know yourself? To find out what went wrong in the previous relationship? To evacuate, evaluate, and then execute a plan for the next one? Or are you so wrapped up in dating that the previous errors roll over into your next relationship? Your life shouldn't be like a cellular plan with rollover minutes. You should be responsible about the people you let into that intimate space (I'm not even talking sexual at this moment). Everyone should not be able to get that close to you. Your family shouldn't know 10 men/women that you dated this year. Your children shouldn't have relationships with 10 men/women in a year.

When you get out of a relationship, these should be some of the questions that you completely answer before engaging another relationship. What I mean by completely is answering truthfully without doubt in your own mind.
1. What went wrong?
2. What could I have done better?
3. What could they have done better?
4. What made me so susceptible to such a toxic relationship?
5. Did I stay longer than I should have?
6. If yes, why did I stay so long?
7. Is this like any of my previous relationships?
8. If yes, why do I like these types of relationships?
9. Did I have sex with this person before I knew their name (first, middle, last and nicknames)? Before I knew their birthdate? Before I knew their home address and telephone number? Before I knew their mother and father's name? Before I knew their children? Before I knew if they had children? Before I knew whether they wanted children or not? Before I knew their life goals? Before I knew their criminal background? Before I knew if they were a sex offender? BEFORE I KNEW THEIR HIV/AIDS STATUS??????
10. We are so free (because we're Americans; the land of the free and opportunity) that we give of ourselves too soon. Then when we get caught up in mess, we call on God to grab us out of it.

Let's stop moving from relationship to relationship and give God a chance to work on us. Spend time with yourself sometime. Take yourself out to eat. Take yourself to a movie. Take yourself on a vacation. Date yourself. If you know how to treat you, you'll be able to teach someone else how to treat you. Stop being so desperate for the first person that comes in your face with a smile and a nice compliment, that your quick to give up yourself (not just sex; your heart, your mind, your spirit, YOUR JOY).

If you know who you are, when someone else notices, you simply tell them "congratulations, you just found a jewel. Now do you know how to take care of such a precious stone?" and because you know your worth, you don't spend countless days sifting through the mess they're willing to give you. You allow some other thrown away stone do that.

Do me a favor, place a dollar amount on your worth and don't come down on your price for nothing! If he/she realizes your worth, they'll beg, steal or borrow the money to buy you (figuratively speaking). Let your mind be free before dating the next person. Free from the trauma of your past dating experience, free from the mess you brought to the relationship; free to completely give yourself to the next person.

Love ya!

Schawayna Raism

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Too Hot in Indy?

As I read some of the post on FaceBook, I notice how so many people complained about the heat. Those same people are probably the ones complaining about the cold. We as human beings are never satisfied. That's why we keep chasing things that will make us happy.

We work hard to buy bigger homes, luxurious cars, designer clothes and bags, expensive jewelry. Why? We are not satisfied with what God has given us. Sunday, my pastor Kim Outlaw at Living Water Fellowship Church preached about how we are so caught up with the things in our lives that we miss out on doing the things that pleases God.

We work extra hours, keeping us from being attentive to our children which in turn helps to lead them astray. We focus more on relationships outside of our homes (family) which keeps us from being connected causing the family structure to be torn down. We focus more on our needs that we totally miss out on God's unction for us to meet someone else's needs; keeping us from attaining the blessings that He has for us.

It may be too hot outside and in the winter, it may be too cold at times but all of our seasons are greatly needed in order for things to continue to grow. Without the sun and water, our oxygen suppliers can't grow. Without the cold/winter, our germs can't die. God had a plan and purpose when He was creating this great Earth that He gave us to take care of.

Let's be thankful and satisfied that He is in control and has our best interest in mind. Let's stop focusing on what we don't have and start being joyful for what we do!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Try, try again!

I had the opportunity of watching Evelyn "Champagne" King on Unsung. She spoke about her child that was born too early and how she couldn't pull life support. She spent everyday nursing her daughter to health only to have her pass on anyway. She spent the following years without conceiving again. I don't know if that was a choice due to the pain of her previous offsprings death or if she wasn't able.

As I was riding home from work, that story came in my head and I thought; if she decided against having a child when she remarried, she could have missed out on such a blessing. God allowed me to start seeing some things in my life that I refused to challenge myself to because of mental trauma from previous outcomes that weren't in my favor (so I thought).

We sometimes let history dictate our future. We refuse to get married again because we're afraid it might end the same way as before. We decide not to go back to school because when we first tried, we failed. We decide not to apply for higher positions at our jobs because we didn't get the first promotion we applied for. We decide not to go buy another home because we foreclosed on the first one. We handicap ourselves from having great blessings because of the fear of failure or the same outcome. Some mental traumas come just to make us stronger. To make us work harder the next time around. To make us think smarter. To make us love harder. To make us reach higher. Sometimes things don't happen for us because God has something greater. In order to get you to move on those things or be open to receive those things, He has to take you from out of your comfort zone.

Keep your ears available for God to speak to you. Allow His will to be done in your life. Allow your best to shine through you. But most importantly, be ready when God is ready to move you!

Tell me about some things you would like to do that prior experiences handicapped you from doing? Or have you decided to no longer be captive to a prior situation. Let's talk about it.

Schawayna Raieism

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My favorite places to eat in Indianapolis

I've had the opportunity to frequent several restaurants in Indy. When I stumble across a good place, I like to share. I love to start off first at a place called The Taste. I tell all my friends about it, now I'm sharing it with you. I especially love their waffles and pomme frites. Check them out today!

I always stumble across eating places as I travel through my everyday routines or what my friends call adventures. Today I met a young African American woman that just opened a restaurant in Circle Center Mall on the 4th floor by the game room. She was very pleasant and open to give me understanding of her sandwich shop. I decided upon the tomato and pesto panini with roasted chicken along with broccoli salad and strawberry lemonade. This meal was delicious and all for a reasonable price. Under $10. If you would like to know more about this bistro, visit them at or down at Circle Center on the 4th floor. They also sell gourmet cheesecakes. Watch out cheesecake factory.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Delayed for something greater

Sometimes we can be in such a hurry in life that we don't sit back and allow God to take the lead. We make our plans for the day, the week, the month, the year; for our lives without asking God, "What do YOU want me to do?".

I experienced some, "not in my plans, but in God's plans" events upon this weekend. I had my weekend vacation for my family reunion all mapped out.

1. Go to work.
2. Get off, drop mom off to grandmothers.
3. Take niece to camp after she, myself and her brother has breakfast (the service took so long we had to take it to go).
4. Go home and nap before work this night.
5. Get rental car at 8pm (they don't take debit cards so had to go back home to get credit card----they messed up transaction, had to delete it and tried to swipe card again---DECLINED due to security features on card, Thrifty/Dollar Car Rentals tells me "sorry, not my problem, we cant rent you a car". I leave defeated and very troubled (because I had this ALL PLANNED OUT)! My nephew had to go to work with me, I had not taken a bath so I had to shower at work and put on hospital scrubs (God knows how to bless you in your storm---BRIGHTER SIDE: I work where I can get clean clothes to wear). I burst into tears because once again, "I" had this all planned out and it's not going the way "I" had planned it.
6. The next morning, departure day; I had to deal with trying to get another rental car. The one I had reserved gave me a good price, will I be able to get that same deal? Yes, God sent me to Budget/Avis at Indpls International Airport, they allowed me to use my debit (I'm trying to eliminate credit cards), they gave me a slightly higher price (which I was totally appreciative) and we were on our way..........

.......Wait, not the end of this story. We noticed that the car we had rented was too small for the amount of people and luggage we had "planned" on bringing along so we went back in to upgrade. Once again, LOOK AT GOD, He put it on the heart of the manager to go ahead and rent us the full sized SUV even when he wasn't wanting to (it's the holiday and they needed that vehicle for another customer) and at a slightly elevated price. Now, we were really on our way........

7. The purpose of us renting a larger vehicle which was $200 greater than what we would have paid for the smaller vehicle was because someone else was "planned" to ride with us. She bailed out without bothering to phone us to let us know.....We're stuck with this more expensive rental and we no longer need it!

......Wait, and look at God again, he put it on Budget/Avis managers heart again to allow us to downgrade TWO car sizes less than we originally booked, at a greatly lesser rate than what we were paying, although we had already driven off with the other car and had it for several hours, we didn't have to pay for any of that rental, we drove off paying $250 less than we were originally going to pay.

We left 4 hours later than we "planned", had less people than we "planned", got the vehicle from a different company than we "planned", got the vehicle on a different day than we "planned", got to Detroit later than we "planned", and through all that planned unplanned chain of events.....What God had "planned" was so much greater than we could have "planned"!

Moral to this story is, allow Christ into your plans. Consult with Him. Get His input on what your life should be. The man/woman you may have "planned" to marry might be a major step down from what God had "planned" for you. The career you may have "planned" may be completely less rewarding than the career God has "planned" for you. The house you may have "planned" to purchase may be much square footage smaller than what God has "planned" for you. That business venture you "planned" to start may cause you to take greater steps than the business God "planned" for you. The testimony you "planned" to give may have a lesser power than the testimony God has "planned" for you to give. Be open with the changes in your life that you couldn't control, God may just be setting you up for the GREAT THINGS that He has "planned" for you!

Love ya!

Schawayna Raie